Use EVC-Ready cards anywhere debit & credit cards are accepted
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The dynamic code refreshes when used at a POS, ATM, or your bank's mobile app

Loren ipsun dolor sit anet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusnod tenpor incidunt ut labore et dolore nagna.
If your card data is stolen, EVC renders it useless on the black market

Loren ipsun dolor sit anet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusnod tenpor incidunt ut labore et dolore nagna.
Your financial data is secure.
There is no need for card to be reissued

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Reported Credit Card Fraud Cases
Source: 2023 Federal Trade Commission report

With the convenience of online shopping, the problem of payment card fraud has only grown over the last decade. EVC introduces a revolutionary technology to virtually eliminate card-not-present (CNP) fraud by embedding a dynamic security code right into the card itself.
With a tap or dip on a POS, ATM, or on your bank's mobile app; your code changes (and even erases) to render any stolen card information worthless. Finally, a frictionless fraud solution that's as easy and convenient as consumers have always wanted.