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Kathryn Kandra
5 min read
Differentiation: Why Cool is Key for Credit Card Adoption
Plink. Plink. Thunk! “Ah, that third one sounds the best. That’s the credit card I want.” – a consumer today. Yes, a surprising number of...

Kathryn Kandra
5 min read
A Booming Problem: Senior Financial Fraud
Seniors are often targeted by fraudsters because they are perceived to have more wealth and presumed to be less knowledgeable about...

Kathryn Kandra
4 min read
Friction is the Enemy of Fraud Protection. Here’s Why.
Alright, now let’s be honest: us humans, as a species, are notoriously bad at changing our habits. You know the drill: it’s January 1st,...

Kathryn Kandra
4 min read
AI and Fraud: How Deepfakes Can Bankrupt You With a Familiar Smile
Hey, remember that image of the Pope in a slick winter coat that everyone thought was real a while ago? That was an innocuous use of AI...

Kathryn Kandra
7 min read
What is Card-Not-Present (CNP) Fraud? The $49 Billion Problem
Modern credit and debit cards have come a long way since they were first dreamt up by some guy who forgot his wallet at a restaurant that...

Kathryn Kandra
6 min read
A Brief Guide to Smart Cards
Whether you know it or not, you’re probably surrounded by smart cards right now. There’s probably a type of smart card in your mobile...

Kathryn Kandra
6 min read
Why Cardholders Need Both Physical and Cybersecurity
First, a quick reality check: many people (and businesses) think that having top-notch cybersecurity solutions is enough to protect them...
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